Thursday, December 24, 2009

Awesome News

Mattie's heart valve closed with the medication! The doctor said that there is a 20% chance it could open again, but we're really excited. We're also thankful that after one dose of Andrew's medicine the doctor said he cannot hear the murmur. He will still continue with the round of meds for the next two days, but what an awesome report to hear. Adelaide had a routine chest x-ray today and it showed her lungs are a little expanded. She's the only one that's been on a normal ventilator since birth. The doctor has moved her to the more gentle Jet ventilator to help her lungs, but her numbers have looked great. The transition was very smooth, and when we looked in on her, she was sleeping peacefully.

With the weather changing to snow, we've decided to not go home today. We'll stay one more night, so we can be here and not stuck at the house. We're going out for another lunch date! It will be good to take little trips out of the hospital, so Tara can get used to it.


  1. Praise the Lord!! This is very exciting - so glad the snow appeared in time for you to make a good decision. Merry Christmas Eve - we love you guys, all five!

  2. So glad to hear some of the good news! We love you guys tons...Merry Christmas...can you believe you have 3 wonderful children? What a blessing! Keep posting - we love to know how and when to pray!
