Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29

Andrew's surgery went perfectly. The surgeon was very pleased with everything. Minimal blood loss and leakage from the trach and g-tube. We are praising God! Andrew is resting and looks really good. He's pink, and we can see his beautiful face. God has given us a miracle. He is under sedation, pain medication, and medication to paralyze him. They need him to be perfectly still for 5-7 days, so the tracheotomy can heal. He will be in the Dallas hospital until he weans off the ventilator. The timeline is up to him. Once he weans off this ventilator, he'll be moved to a home vent, and then he can be discharged to Our Children's House. This is an in-patient therapy and teaching location where we'll learn to care for Andrew.

We got a second good news today. Mattie is scheduled to come home on Thursday. She is consistently taking a bottle, but still on nasal cannula. She will come home on oxygen and monitors that we'll have to learn to use. We're rooming-in on Wednesday, so we can get used to the equipment.

Andrew's great surgery.
Mattie coming home.

Andrew's recovery.
Protection over Andrew while paralyzed.
Continued weight gain and growth

1 comment:

  1. so awesome to hear that Adelaide is home...and now Mattie on her way too. glad Andrew's procedure went so well. yeah! to the praises. wow, God is good and faithful!
